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What is a person?


listen to the song!


The Great Gatsby
A Sky Full of Stars

And a box full of tarot cards
A book that lets you choose who you are

A snow globe, a doll
A picture of a doctor
A mannequin head and a wig that I put on her

A stack of old DS games
A mirror and two plants with their own names

Am I defined by the stuff that I got
Or the stuff that I bought yet somehow forgot
In the bottom of a box, on the back of a shelf
Or on top of a bookcase filled with books I've never read

I'm tired
I can't stop
reinventing myself
Oh god I need help

I turn a new page every day
Always a new chapter
Few words on every page

Every day I have a new body
And everyday I have to make my favourite tea
In my favourite cup, read my favourite book
Sing my favourite song with my favourite hook

Watch my favourite show, what was that again?
Does everybody else just act and pretend?

Am I defined by the stuff that I got
Or the stuff that I bought yet somehow forgot
In the bottom of a box, on the back of a shelf
Or on top of a bookcase filled with books I've never read

I'm tired
I can't stop
reinventing myself
Oh god I need help

Empty mind, empty soul
Empty hand, empty hole
In my heart
Screaming "is this the start of my life?"
When does it end?

Am I supposed to pretend
This never happened?

Am I defined by the stuff that I got
Or the stuff that I bought yet somehow forgot
In the bottom of a box, on the back of a shelf
Or on top of a bookcase filled with books I've never read

I'm tired
I can't stop
reinventing myself
Oh god I need help

But what do I tell my therapist
When the old me
ceases to exist?
When he ceases to exist


1987-donatello 2012-donatello